Sunday, November 14, 2010

crumbs from the table

when my children were quite young, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12, i took
them to hear a famous preacher.  it was important to me that they
be exposed to as many of the Lord's treasures as possible.

unfortunately, upon arrival we were told that the chapel seats
were reserved for the college students.

"we will stand in back, then, and enjoy the crumbs from the

brazilian pastries

the preaching was inspiring, exhilarating really, and we hardly
noticed that we didn't have seats, when the man of God looked
back and said,

"are those children standing in the back?"

my heart dropped, because i thought we were going to be cast
out of the auditorium.  my little ones looked up at me with big

"bring them up here so that i may lay hands on them and  pray
for them."

brazilian prosciutto and cheese wheel

our crumbs turned into a feast.


"let the little children come to Me, and do nothing to hinder
them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
matthew 19:14


Town and Country House said...

This was our Sunday School lesson today--so wonderful for the children to hear and soooo important for us adults to be reminded of how His little ones are of great worth!

Farm Girl said...

How cool was that, it reminds me of the first shall be last and last first. I bet was a incredible teaching time for them. God is amazing in that He does such big things for our little ones.
Thank you for your kind words, they always give me joy.

My Farmhouse Kitchen said...

what a wonderful story....

did you find your santa apron?


Susy said...

That's a wonderful story, and one that I'm sure impacted your children. Blessings

Sandy said...

What a wonderful story. I
guess I missed that you have
five children. How marvelous!!
Somehow I thought you had
three. Your crumbs turned into
a feast-I love that.
Those Brazilian pastries look
so good. Now I am craving some-
thing sweet and delicious.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this special memory with us. I hope you will have a restful night and a good week Lea. said...

What a precious story of the persistence of a mother who wants to see her children get all of God there is. What a man of God that he noticed...just like Christ noticed.

I too remember taking mine to everything I could get them to when they were small. Sometimes I wonder if it was worth it and then one will say..."do you remember?" or burst into a song that they would have only known from being in that place...God is so faithful to allow fruit from our crumbs.

Cheri Bunch said...

Amazing! So like Jesus! Love it!!!


Kim said...

What a beautiful story and a lovely moment for your family.

highheeledlife said...

What a wonderful memory for children. Thank you for sharing this lovely story... and the pastries ... pastel de nata ... my fav....xo HHL

Rachel said...

I remember that Jesus made a point of spending time with little children too :) Glad for your special moments.

Rosie said...

Oh dear one...I need a tissue...what a beautiful story...sweet hugs...~R~

koralee said...

This story brings tears to my eyes my sweet friend...thank you.

Michelle said...

So AWESOME! Praise God!

Jo said...

Aw.... what a beautiful story. And what a wonderful lesson for your children.

Joan Elizabeth said...

So great that the preacher followed the lead of our Lord.

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

Wow! Just wow!!!!!!!

Valerie said...

Just like God to turn something so small into something so amazing.

He can and will use each one of us and every situation to His Glory.

Thank you for inspiring me today! said...

There are some things we never forget, especially when kindness is shown to our kids! Such a good thing for them to see too.

We must have been on the same page today. I had a post that pictured a glass case of goodies... and then I saw yours... I just posted a different one and I'll do that one later!! Bakery goods are never too far from my mind! :)

Anne Lyken-Garner said...

I always think twice about how important it is for kids to know God. Every time I feel like I want to quit teaching Sunday school, I think back to this.
Lea, if you ever decide to put up a link list of blogs on your home page, can I ask that you include mine, please? I've linked this blog to my Relationship one.

Jodie | Velour said...

That's so great. And sure do know how to spin a thread. I love reading your stories. You're a master.

Jodie | Velour said...

Or is it spin a yarn? :)

Winchester Manor said...

Hi Sweet Friend!

Nothing better than making a feast out of crumbs! What a wonderful experience and one I'm sure your kids remember to this day!

I have missed you...thank you for being such a true and faithful friend and for being one of my special Soul Fillers....I adore you!


Southern Lady said...

What a wonderful story. God blesses those who are faithful to Him....especially those willing to stand in the back just to receive crumbs. Carla

Vivek said...

Hi Lea,
How are you? wish you are doing great :-) , loved this post which creates a very nice picture in mind while reading...all your posts are fully inpirational and helped me a lot. . Thanks a lot. ..hi5

Take care...
Keep smiling always

with Love

Suzanne said...

Lea, thank you for touching my heart today. I appreciate you stopping by my blog, sorry it took me a week to finally come and say "hi". I've missed out! Your words were a blessing. Can't wait for your post on Lana's blog.

Ruth said...

Hi Lea.. your posts are always so inspiring... i love the way you connect simple happenings in life to the scripture. SO blessed to meet you!


Vickie said...

Always am I blessed to come and read your blog, Lea. Always I enjoy every post! Always it is uplifting to me!

Lisa said...

What a wonderful story! One that I'm sure they'll tell to their children and grandchildren. said...

I haven't gotten my link yet, but I knew the Dec.issue was coming out. What fun!

Together We Save said...

That is such a wonderful story... I love the pictures you selected to go along with the story.

Dawn said...

A perfect November/Thanksgiving post. I love this.

I wonder how many times Jesus has not wanted me to settle for crumbs and I haven't noticed that he brought me right up to his table.

Mountain Mama said...

LOVE it! God is so good when we find contentment "in the crumbs". What a blessing for your children.

Gloria said...

What a great story you have shared with us here. Thanks for this encouraging word!
Your photos are beautiful too!
Saying a prayer for your daughter (& you) right now...:)
xoxo Gloria

Unknown said...

What a wonderful story.


Janis Van Keuren said...

Beautiful post about how the Lord works!


More Than Words said...

Awesome!!!!!! Loved this story!!

Gwendolyn said...

Very precious! Weren't you glad you took them? and kept them there even at the back with standing room only? What a profitable lesson they learned! And hopefully others in the audience did too! A vivid picture of God's love for us. We are never out of His reach and He values the little and the lowly!

trish said...

Your post has tugged at and deeply touched my heart. Especially for November 14th. The Lord showed me through reading your post, that on this side of heaven, it may feel like life curcumstances, keeps us nibbling on crumbs, but beyond death, there is a feast, and He has given me glorious glimpses as to what that will be like. That gives me hope. :o)
You have been very close to my heart the past several days and I am praying for you. The Lord knows where to meet you and how to sustain. :o) I hope I can be of any help you may need me to be. In the mean time, I am praying. And our sweet Saviour loves you and is listening to your cries. :o)
Your sister in Christ,

Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

Oh, Lea, how nice to meet you and yes, my name is pronounced Le-ah. My parents always said that they got so excited when I was born that they forgot to put the "h" on the end. As as result I've often been called Lee. But, I'm named after Leah in the Bible.

Love, love your blog and the meaning behind it. How neat! Mine is called "CiCi's Corner" because CiCi is what my Grans call me.

Blessings to you and I'm so excited to make another "blogging buddy."

myletterstoemily said...

how indescribably precious you all are.
what a gift to know such encouraging,
praying women.

Cinnamon said...

What an awesome story! What a wonderful preacher :-)


Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Love it............