Thursday, April 22, 2010

the ten acre wood

hans loves anything of a generational nature and shares moving
messages about fathers passing along blessings to their children,
who then extend them to their own children.

it is no wonder that we built a house on the property that his
grandfather purchased about ninety years ago.  it was then
considered to be farmland, because it was so far south of town.

now, we enjoy ten lovely wooded acres, an oasis in the center
of a thriving, bustling metropolis.  incredible.

our children played in the same spring fed lagoon from which
their great grandfather fished.  their grandfather confangled a
pulley system to the tallest trees from which his five sons flew
and jumped into the water.

thirty four years ago, their own father asked me to marry him
on the pretty little bridge that crosses the lagoon.  he made me
step off the bridge before he put the sparkler on my finger for
fear that we might drop it into the inky abyss.

our little ones liked to call it the 'love bridge.'

i think i'm going to cry.


"for the Lord is good and His love endure forever; His faithfulness
through all generations."  psalm 100:5