Wednesday, March 24, 2010

ain't no rock!

dear emily,

a lovely lady was standing next to me at my sanctuary, i
mean william sonoma, and i overheard her ask if this was
easter sunday.  "well, she's not in the choir," i thought to
myself.  we can tell you the date and celebration of every
sunday until Christmas.  :)

it's palm sunday,  one of my favorite days of the year!  who
could resist little children waving palm branches, singing
"hosanna to the Son of david!"  not me.

when the religious pharisees heard the children shouting
their hosannas to Jesus, they were indignant.  "do you hear
what they are saying?"  they asked.

well sure, "from the lips of children and infants has been
appointed praise."  (matthew 21:16)

i love the next part even more, Jesus said if the people
"keep silent, the rocks will cry out." (luke 19:40)   a long,
long time ago, i decided, "ain't no rock gonna' cry out in
my place."



ps.  i'm singing "the holy city" this sunday and would
appreciate any and all prayers.


~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Lovely words, Lea. We are celebrating Palm Easter too, decorating the Palm Easter branches and baking the bread cocks for the top....
Have a sweet day!

Deborah Ann said...

I didn't know you were a singer! I will pray for a sweet anointing on you and your song. Wish I could be there!

bbb said...

considered yourself covered

Southern Lady said...

What a perfect song choice for Palm Sunday! One of my favorites. Consider yourself prayed for! Carla

christy rose said...

Aint no rock gonna cry out in my place either!!! amen! Praise the Lord!

Lisa said...

Amen Sister!
PS I'm sure your Sunday singin' will be beautiful, but I'll send up a prayer anyway.:)

Vee said...

That is one ambitious piece of music! My grandmother sang it every Easter Sunday in her church for years. Somewhere in this house is a recording of a rehearsal of same complete with all the scratches of the ages on that old album.

Amen to your decision to not allow a rock to stand in your place. Wonderful...

Barbara said...

Prayers coming your way. said...

"Hosanna" from here too!!

I will be praying for your song, would just love to sit in and listen!!

Thanks Lea, always a treat to visit you here.


Sonja said...

P.S.... I visited your 'sanctuary' yesterday in Dallas!! That huge copper oven always gets me! The whoopie pie pans and mix were a big draw too...


Single and Sane said...

Some Sunday when you're singing, I'm going to have to sneak away to hear you! For this Sunday, I'll be praying for you from a few blocks away. =)

Jo said...

I used to sing in the choir when I was a little girl, and I loved Palm Sunday.

Sending prayers your way. I'm sure you will be wonderful...!

Cindy said...

Thank you for visiting my blog so I could find yours. I've enjoyed reading some of your posts and will be back!

Have a blessed week.

Kate said...

I was thinking of that phrase, "letting the rocks cry out" just last week as it relates to social justice issues (environmental issues and workers rights, specifically.) I watched a documentary called, "Walmart: The High Cost of Low Prices," and it got me thinking. I think that a lot of believers don't care so much about some really important issues because "the world" already does. Well, we wouldn't want to be like them :) Maybe the rocks are just crying out. Love, love, love your blog. Thank you for writing!

Sewn With Grace said...

I'm with you! Praise the Lord, praise the Lord!

myletterstoemily said...


i love what a little rebel you are!

you better be careful, Jesus said
if you are faithful with little He
will entrust you with more!

just don't throw any rocks! :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I used to sing, Lea. In fact, I've sung "The Holy City" many times in my life. I was a Voice major in college and taught Choral Music in high school for several years. Had to give up my music when I started having vocal problems. But--I will always remember my days as a "singer".... Good Luck!!!!

Happy Palm Sunday---and be sure and wave those Palm Branches.

Willow said...

Yes! Let the rocks cry out! Hosanna!

Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I wish my given name were Willow; it has been my pseudonym for many years and indeed I think the name fits me.

Jennifer said...

What a lovely post! I love Palm Sunday as well. Such a gloriuos day indeed.

carissa said...

just beautiful! i get so excited about palm sunday... there's such a sweet sense of hope as we celebrate it because we know the whole story! how glorious it is!!! i love this post. just said a prayer for you and your song!

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

Wish I was there to hear you; instead, we'll be listening to our children's choir and their cantata in our small country church. Both of my kids are trees. Can't wait to feast with them and the Lord this coming Palm Sunday.


~ Regan said...

thanks for visiting!
and to answer your question? Who knows? It's not all false- I love the fact that his room pleases him, even if it is not my taste.... That makes me happy enough!
Have a great week!

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Hi Lea! So nice to meet you! I have perused several of your posts and enjoyed your God-honoring blog.

Thank you for stopping by my place and leaving your comment!

Kindly, ldh

jamjar said...

I love the rock story. I always say God doesn't need me to get it done but I if don't do it I'll miss the blessing! Your "ain't no rock" is better. Praying that your singing is a blessing to everyone, (you, the church and God)!

Unknown said...

I will be praying for you this Sunday morning. I know it will be beautiful. Looking forward to it. Also look forward to your blog posts. Your knowledge of scripture is vast and i love how you relate it to every day life!
Love , Deni

Joan Elizabeth said...

I too wish I could hear your song ... my prayers are with you.

Denise Kiggan said...

I like the fact that you are stopping the rocks from using their vocal chords!

Me! said...

One year, when my daughter was a young teenager and having a really rough time, I escaped with her for the weekend to the coast. {We live in California} I don't remember anymore how we came to be at the Mission San Juan Batista on Palm Sunday, but as we stood in a doorway, services were just letting out, and the entire congregation filed past us, singing and waving palm branches. We had none, but joined the end of the line and worshipped with them. Such a blessed memory. Will hold it our hearts forever.

Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such a sweet comment!

Your sweet, sweet, song will be received as it is offered. Bless you!


Julie@beingRUBY said...

Dear Lea
If you sing as well as you write then you will certainly have no problem... but best of luck anyway.. xx Julie

Anonymous said...

My sister sang in the church choir and always worried before they sang. I don't know why. It was always wonderful.
Enjoy the day, sing in joy, and know that it will be inspiring and beautiful!

TeriGigi/Girl Meets Paris said...

I LOVE that song... you'll do great!!!

Easter holds such fun memories of being a little girl... the hat, the new dress and purse to match... going to church. Such fun... so much meaning!

TeriGigi/Girl Meets Paris said...

I added a short video to today's blogpost after you commented... you might find it interesting...

myletterstoemily said...

vee, i love that your grandmother
used to sing that.

it would be wonderful to hear her!

Mountain Mama said...

AMEN!! Hosanna!

Praying in Utah.

Packrat said...

For some reason my Google Reader doesn't pick up your new posts. Crazy.

Anyway, would love to hear you sing. Prayers that all goes well.

Andrea said...

Oh how I love the Hosannas! I love to read that story from the bible to my kids too. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am so glad I came by to see you. I should read it to them today!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

That's a lovely piece to sing .. I'll be thinking of you!

Our church is putting on a Passion Play after Palm Sunday services and our pastor will hand out a nail to every parishioner. On Good Friday the cross will be paraded around the neighborhood and when it comes by our homes we are to drop our nails into a basket and instead pick a flower out of a basket and follow the cross procession. It's a very emotional service.

david santos said...

thanks for your posting. I love it.
have a nice weekend.

Michelle said...

Thank you for visiting my blog. I came to yours and read for a long time. I love your writing, and have added you to my list of reads. I'm so glad you commented so I could find you.
Be blessed, Michelle

koralee said...

Sending blessings your way.xoxo

Vickie said...

Oh, Lea I just love Easter music and cantatas. Lifting up praise to the Lord and thinking about what He did for us. The music makes me so ready for the Lord to just come back and get me!

rondalahonda said...

I keep a little rock on my piano just to remind me! My bro and I were at Yellowstone years ago and actually heard "music" from water hitting rocks. This is before I was really hearing impaired. I will never forget it.

Jenny said...

I'm sure you'll sing it beautifully and be a tremendous blessing.

-stephanie- said...

What a lovely blog. I was just reading this passage this morning (Matt 21) with my daughters. I love this upcoming Holy Week.

Thanks for visiting my blog.

Cheri Bunch said...

I would love to hear you sing!

Sue said...

Great Post, Lea!. Hope all went well for you at your service today.

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- Norman