dear emily,
as i was strolling in the soft, deep sand by the ocean, my calves
began to shout in protest. it was much easier to turn around and
step into my footprints than to forge on.
unfortunately, attempting to match my own steps took a surprising
amount of concentration. i was no longer waving at the adorable
babies along the shore or counting the boats on the horizon. so i
let my feet resume their aimless wandering, once again enjoying
the blissful breezes and lapping waves but ignoring my calves.
life is a bit like that. we decide which path to take, who to
notice, and what to ignore.
i want my children to venture down many enriching and exciting
shores. some will take the road less traveled, which might be
lonely or dangerous. others will choose more conventional paths,
that will, at times, be monotonous, but each will have the thrill of
deciding for himself.
my choice will be to love them, pray for them, and welcome them
home. my comfort will be that "He leads them beside still waters."
psalm 23:2