Tuesday, April 20, 2010

max lucado

while visiting our son max yesterday, he told us a funny story.
apparently max lucado spoke at his university's chapel and did
such a fine job that our max went forward to thank him.

"hey mr. lucado, awesome message!  i wanted to tell you that
when i was in the fourth grade, i played punchinello from the
book you wrote.  also, i thought you should know that i took
your daughter to a date party last semester.  oh,  and my name
is max, too."

max, the father of the daughter, the author of punchinello, and
the speaker of the chapel, patted the long-winded max on the
back and said, "i like you, young man."

i told max it would have been pretty fun if he could have said,
"well, sir, i like your daughter."  he really needs me to write
his scripts.


"a man who has friends, must show himself friendly."
proverbs 18:24

tag: you're it!

whenever i return from visiting our son max, i am always blue, so i am
grateful to rita for cheering me up with a generous honor.  rita is a sweet
italian lady, who works as a personal assistant to a c. e. o. but dreams
of owning a 'petit french salon'.

i am amazed at the treasures she finds at flea markets.  if i am ever
coerced (bribed) to go to one, i only see other people's old stuff.  she,
however discovers antique silver tea spoons and fine china tea cups.

now, to my defense, she lives in italy, and i live in . . . can't tell you
that, but it ain't italy!

there are rules involved in this tagging scheme:  i am supposed to tell
you ten things about me and then tag ten other blogs that i enjoy.  it
would short circuit my synapses to think of ten remotely interesting
details of my life.

in fact, i wouldn't inflict that on my worst enemy, but i wish i had
thought of it when raising my teenagers.  imagine the effectiveness
of this threat:  "if you are not home by midnight, i am going to sit
you down and tell you TEN things about me!"

here are ten of my favorite blogs in alphabetical order.  (that could be
a scintillating fact, "i can alphabetize.")   i did not include personal
family blogs that might not want the outside attention.

a cottage in the woods

a haven for vee

a scrapbook of inspiration

beth priest

bits and pieces

burnbrae journal

count it all joy

heavenly humor

hospitable pursuits

single and sane

the backs of my eyelids

ha ha!  interesting fact #2:  "i can't count, that's eleven blogs!"

if you have been tagged, you are completely released from following
ANY of the tagging rules.  i checked with the king and queen of

"abraham believed God, and God counted it as righteousness."
romans 4:3
