Thursday, December 17, 2009

four year old, beer drinking burglar

dear emily,

i just heard a news report about a 4 year old who was discovered at 1:45
in the morning, drinking beer and lugging packages that he had stolen
from neighborhood homes.

this is disturbing on so many points that i don't even know where to

how did he open the beer can?  i don't think four year old thumbs are
strong or nimble enough to do that.

what was he doing outside, alone, at that time?

how did he break into the homes?

the story proceeded to say that he was trying to get caught so he could
go to jail and see his daddy.  so we know where his daddy was, but...

where was his mommy?

poor little guy.  it breaks my heart.  i pray that some kind soul will cross
his path and lead him to the One who will never leave or forsake him.


"everything seems hopeless...i'm completely depressed."-charlie brown

dear emily,

linus prodded me to do some investigating into the life of his creator,
charles schulz

when your kids suffer failure and humiliation, you can tell them that
the world's most famous cartoonist had more than his share, too.

good grief!

his high school paper turned down every single cartoon he ever sub-
mitted, but he eventually made $30 million a year from 'peanuts.'

his first love, a beautiful red-head, refused his marriage proposal.
charlie brown used to say, "nothing takes the taste out of peanut butter
quite like unrequited love," when referring to his beautiful red-haired

he was sent to war the day after his mother died of cancer.  when
ordered to throw a grenade into a camp, he refused, because he saw
a little dog in it....snoopy!

he flunked countless subjects in school, coming to the realization that
"in the book of life the answers aren't in the back."

"happiness is anyone or anything that loves you,"