dear emily,
it is terribly presumptuous of me to give you a thanksgiving craft
idea, since you are the master, but i couldn't resist. these cards
are just so darn cute!
here's the link.
we also used to read every thanksgiving book i could get my
hands on. here are a few you will love.
"squanto and the miracle of thanksgiving" by eric metaxas
"thanksgiving, a time to remember" by barbara rainey
"an old fashioned thanksgiving" by louisa may alcott
some great scriptures to memorize as we prepare our hearts for
thanksgiving are psalm 31:19, 95:1-6, and of course, psalm 100.
it's always an encouragement for mom and dad to tell what we
are thankful for, especially our precious children. if the kids
want to pipe in, that's even better.
many families forego their own meal to help serve dinner at the
homeless shelter. i can't imagine anything to make a child's
thanksgiving richer or his heart more grateful than to help those
less fortunate.
i hope some of my friends will leave comments, because they
always have such wonderful ideas.
thankfully yours,
"how great is Your goodness, which You have stored up for
those who fear You, which You bestow in the sight of men
on those who take refuge in You." psalm 31:19