dear emily,
several of my kids have been on mission trips to peru, ecuador,
honduras, mexico, and soon brazil, but i have never had the
courage to do so myself. when they return, they are always full
of exciting stories of miracles and acts of kindness that make my
heart sing.
but, i never go myself.
when we arrived in crested butte, i asked hans if i could stay a bit
longer after they all left. it seemed a good thing to be alone,
spending time to refresh my soul in the Lord's care, and hans was
happy for me to do that.
but, circumstances have changed, and now three of my kids will be
home, two giving concerts friday and saturday. i wrestled with this
in prayer a bit. "but, Lord, it seemed good for me to have this brief
time here, alone." instead, i will fly home where i should be.
'good' is sometimes the enemy of 'best', and though i am too timid to
fly south and tend my south american neighbor, i am always happy
to care for my own children. for now, i guess that's still my mission
field and one i dearly love.
"having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us,
let us use them." romans 12:6