thank you, sonja and janette, for having a little fun with our great
football game. i can't think of a bigger competition, maybe ohio
state and michigan, or the presidential election!
janette has shared an inspiring story about her love for UT, and
she has the temerity to ask, "what is a sooner anyway?" i'm glad
she asked.
'sooners' is the name given to the settlers who entered the midwest
in the unassigned territory of oklahoma before the indian appro-
priations act of 1989. they were denied the right to claim the land
on which they settled, because they cheated by sneaking in early.
many 'sooners' eventually became US marshals, which is ironic
considering they had broken the law themselves. my husband's
great grandfather was one of those US marshals, which explains
some of my husband's own tendencies.
the 'sooner nation' is exemplified by our colorful, rambunctious,
victorious behavior on the football field. we occasionally sneak
into the end zone.
class dismissed,
"all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." romans 3:23