i'm sitting at my cozy kitchen table sipping a yummy home
made chai latte, trying not to let the ingredients spoil the
pleasure. you can't imagine how much sugar and frothy
milk make your starbucks' latte taste so delicious.
the lovely soft snow falling outside my kitchen windows
completes the setting. oh my gosh, i sound like barbara
stanwyck from "christmas in connecticut!"

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because we have had such a big winter storm, my friend
d. is bringing me a rick of firewood. you probably know
her, she is that spiritual tornado, who forces you to 'walk
the walk'. she and her husband have recently taken in an
alcoholic father and son. they now attend three celebrate
recovery meetings a week and help his thirteen year old
with homework at all other times!
she makes the father chop wood for his keep, hence my
rick of wood. rebecca dunning wrote a moving piece
in today's "24/7" journal, entitled 'think global/act local!'
they have camps of people without jobs in colorado,
holding up signs saying, "we need jobs, propane, food,
and water." her husband just delivered a rick of wood to
sounds like d.!
this is making me feel a little guilty about my latte.
"wash me and i will be whiter than snow." isaiah 51:7
Hi, I love your new layout :). Beautiful letter. I miss the snow. Have a blessed week.
Thank you for stopping by my blog....I hope your potato soup turned out well for you. I really love the concept of yor blog and have enjoyed browsing through your posts yesterday and today. Enjoy your snow, as we just got slush, I am very jealous.
I, too, am enjoying your blog. Thank you for stopping by and saying Hi over on our blog.
Reading your "letters to emily" are so cozy and makes me feel like I'm right there with you sipping latte's :-)
Ah winter nights a delectable joy.
Your friend sounds like a dynamo...such a one used to be described as a radical believer...are they still? But your pang of guilt for enjoying the latte sounds like you know who's work and not the Lord's.
Just loving it in here...so nice!
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