Wednesday, October 3, 2012

dear emily,

while playing bridge with some friends, one asked if any of us had seen any
good movies.  another friend recommended a comedy.   i begged to differ,
mentioning that it had a pretty strong "R" rating.   she countered with the
thought that it was hilarious and really only deserved a mild "R" rating.

i spouted without thinking, "you're either "R", or you "Rn't."


"finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is right, whatever is pure . . .
think on these things."  philippians 4:8


Thistle Cove Farm said...

You, my dear Lea, are a Most Wise Woman!

Debbie said...

I agree 100%! Love they way you put it, haha. Enjoy your day!

Terra said...

Oh you are too cute. I like the verse from Philippians, one of my favorites, actually.

GretchenJoanna said...

The Holy Spirit is expressed through your God-given humor! I wonder if I could possibly keep your great line in mind against a future similar opportunity... said...

Right you are! And r'nt you clever! :) said...

See what I mean?? Your comments are just what I'm talking about! You are IN that ladies retreat, sitting right on my row! :)

Farm Girl said...

Well that is so true. :)

Cinnamon said...

That's funny! I love the fact that you were playing bridge :-) It gives a picture of a cozy bunch of friends.


Joan Elizabeth said...

Playing bridge. Seems like another world to me.

I am not sure about the ratings ... who sets the ratings, do you trust their assessment? I don't take any notice of them. I look up the reviews and decide on that basis whether a movie is worth going to ... not that I go to many.

Your scripture verse is a good one to bear in mind.

Vee said...

I vaguely remember that even "The Hiding Place" had an "R" rating. One certainly should do his or her homework before seeing a movie where the images and ideas contained therein will remain.

Cheri Bunch said...

Hi Leah~
You always make me smile!!!
I am back among the living! Would love for you to drop by!!!

Kathleen said...

There's very little any more that gets a G or PG rating. And, while I can handle a wee bit of language, most of the R stuff is either overtly sexual or violent - - neither of which makes for a gentle & quiet spirit.

Kathleen said...

So true, so true...I think my old fashions ways are showing more and more..with my wrinkles

Oh laughing at your visiting my new blog..sorry, I can't seem to get it up and going...another thing to do with age!

Have an awesome weekend...

Single and Sane said...

A movie can be rated 'R' for a lot different reasons, but when a comedy is rated 'R' it's usually not a good sign. (Maybe I could rephrase "rn't" a good sign.)

Margaret ;-)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

If your not linked to google+ then it would be a setting in your profile letting your email address be used. Do you get responses when you comment on other blogs?

Felisol said...

I like the idea of you playing bridge. I used to enjoy the thrill of concentration of the game. My brother taught me. Now my head isn't fit for that challenge anymore, but I still like to read the Norwegian bridge magazine. Some of my friends are still hanging on.

I wouldn't exactly know what an R rated movie is. I presume it's content isn't fit for children, and by that I'd take it as a sign "not fit for Christians" either.

I think we gradually are getting used to watching a lot of filth.And filth is rubbing off on the watcher. It's so sad really how we are seduced inch by inch, step by step.