Thursday, November 4, 2010

autumn with adam and eve

as hans and i strolled beneath glorious autumn leaves, we crunched
the fallen crimson and yellow ones under our feet.   i love these
walks, because we talk about so many interesting subjects,  and
not always our children.  :)

this day we were discussing adam and eve.   hans maintained that
when God asked adam, "where are you?", he might not have been
referring to his location but to the state of his heart.  he might as
well have asked, "who are you now?"

adam replied, "i heard you in the garden, and i was afraid because
i was naked; so i hid."

"who told you that you were naked?"  their nakedness had never
been an issue before their disobedience, and hans wondered if
things might have gone better for them had adam answered, "we
disobeyed and were hiding because we felt ashamed."

instead he revealed that he considered himself unveiled and no
longer covered by God's good favor.  he also demonstrated his
fear of God just like the servant who "knew" Him as the hard
master and hid his talent.  (matthew 25:25)

moreover, adam seemed to consider himself "out", which, of
course, is exactly what the serpent intended.  one strike, and
you're out?


ps.  i am linking to joyce's at "i love pretty things"
      and to ginger and charlotte's at "spiritual sundays."


-stephanie- said...

That was a beautiful walk, thanks for taking us along.

Unknown said...

Hi Lea,
What a wonderful conversation, and your words so well define how things could have been so different. In Bible study we were going over homework that takes you throughout the Bible linked only by common lessons. It is clear, we must always be obedient, and then His favor follows.

As always your post blesses my day.

Farm Girl said...

Yes, I am glad you and Hans took a walk. These are things I have often pondered. How often I am like Adam and I hide from God too. But more often I am like Eve who wanted to be like God.
Very good thoughts on this day Lea.

Anonymous said...

This is the time of year when walks in the brisk air among the fallen leaves is so envigorating. Thank you for sharing part of your world and conversation with us today.

Single and Sane said...

What a wise interpretation of that passage. Thanks for sharing it, as well as the beautiful pictures. said...

First I love you walk...and so understand not talking about the kids.
My husband and I had a similar discussion on these verses in the Bible.
Thanks for sharing...that was great.
Beautiful pictures...we are starting to see some color change here.

Vee said...

Are you or is Hans saying that things could have been different based upon Adam's response?

Vee said...

Oh, you and Hans take interesting walks!

Cheri Bunch said...

Thank you for sharing your walk with us, Lea! Loved it! I just wrote about the parable of the talents on Threadbare. Isn't that cool?

I hope you get to enjoy another walk soon! :)

Sandy said...

It must have been a beautiful
day-a walk with your loving
husband, taking in the awesome
handiwork of our Father, and
good and meaningful conversation
about the most important thing
in life, our walk with Him.
Sounds like a lovely time.
Our gorgeous leaves are all but
gone now due to lots of wind and
rain. Thanks for sharing your
beautiful ones. :0)
Love & Hugs,

highheeledlife said...

What a beautiful walk you have taken us on. And loved the conversation ... the variables of interpurtation are always fasinating... xo HHL

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

I enjoyed the walk enormously, Lea. The colors are so cheery and vibrant! Happy hugs for a lovely Thursday xoxoxo said...

The trees are so beautiful! and how thankful I am that it isn't 1, 2 or even 3 strikes and we're out, but that we have the loving forgiving Father to welcome us when we need His forgiveness.

Beautiful post!

Lisa said...

You have to wonder what would have happened if Adam had repented. If he had run to God instead of away from Him. Maybe we' would be bloggin' in Paradise! :)

koralee said...

xoxox..good thoughts today my sweet friend. xoxo

Sandy said...

What a beautiful walk in more ways than one. Wonderful pondering, why do we hide rather than fess up? Gorgeous photos! Have a great weekend.

Cinnamon said...

I love all the pretty trees!! Fall is my favorite time of year~


Vivek said...

Hi Lea,
How are you? It feels great while reading your posts, this one has a wow effect me love each and every thing you said amazing...wish you a very Happy Diwali. .The festival of lights...and brings you lots of happiness and infuse you with lots of energy. Take care...... Keep smiling :-)).

Vivek said...

You know, I've just purchased a new smartphone ( samsung galaxy) .and from this only i'm reading and commenting loved its user interface (UI).

Ca88andra said...

What interesting discussions you have!

Joan Elizabeth said...

Autumn fire ... so beautiful.

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

I applaud Hans for his interpretation of this scripture. I'd never thought of it that way.

Lovely autumn foliage!!

Thistle Cove Farm said...

The question could be asked of us all, where are you?
Good post, Lea. Much food for thought.

Cindy said...

I love times like that with my husband, especially when the conversaton isn't always about kids.

(p.s. I'm having a cookbook giveaway at my blog if you're interested.)

Unknown said...

Hi Lea! What beautiful photos and a lovely walk with such good thoughts and discussion!!!

:) T

Unknown said...

Hi Lea, what a beautiful post. thank you!

thank you so very much for coming by Underneath His Wrapping. and for praying...


Jodie | Velour said...

Ooh, that is good stuff.

The story of the prodigal is one of my favorites. Always has been... even before I "started coming to church". :)

Together We Save said...

Thanks for the reminder to such a wonderful story! Hope all is welll with you.

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Sending some sweet raindrops your way for a lovely weekend too, Lea. We are covered by tons and tons of raindrops, probably all weekend long xxxx said...

Thanks Lea on your comment today on my quilt post...but you must have missed understood...she my first grandchild is in heaven...but I look forward to God blessings us with more in the future! Thanks for stopping by my blog post...always love seeing you have been there!

myletterstoemily said...

oh janette, i'm so sorry for skipping over
that very important and sad part. a good
lesson for me to pay better attention next
time. :( said...

No you are fine...I KNOW YOUR HEART!!! Thanks for the prayers...maybe we both will be grandmothers at the same time...I don't think you are yet and our oldest are the same age. apology necessary at ALL!!!

Gloria said...

What wonderful views seen and words shared on your walk together!

Love the sun coming through those beautiful trees!!

Have a blessed weekend...@}~`}~~
xoxo Gloria

June said...

I do believe your hans is a very wise man lea. I feel pretty bare sometimes myself and find myself hiding too. I would enjoy the walks you take my friend.

I Love Pretty Little Things said...

Extra Pretty Today!
Not only the gorgeous fall trees, but such insightful words.
Thanks for sharing so much pretty,

Ruth said...

Hey Lea, juts wanted to let you know i've commented earlier too but was done from my Citadel my friend's PC...

i enjoyed this beautiful post! Have a blessed weekend!!


Unknown said...

Lovely, and I think that God most definitely understands us, even when we are a bit wayward, He still loves us! XX!

Renee said...

What lovely photos...the fall colors are so beautiful and your conversation very enlightening...God bless.

Kirsty Vittetoe said...

Such lovely fall foliage, thanks for sharing the beautiful colors of fall, where it is hard to find here in the desert!
Thank you Lea, for your lovely comment for my blog too! : )

Anonymous said...

Love the pics, Lea!!

Musings of A Minister said...

Beautiful post in every way. Very insightful. Thank you for posting.

Sherry Southard said...

I love your explanation and your illustrations. We surely need to know where our heart is in our relationship to Jesus. thanks for sharing. Sherry

Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage said...

What a blessing to go on walks and having conversations about the Bible. What a beautiful day it was, God is so good.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

I liked this...thanks for sharing it.

Anonymous said...

Just stopped back by Lea to thank you for your kind email to me re Janette's post. An oversight is easy and it happens to all of us at some time. It's great to belong to this loving, forgiving circle of blog friends who share both the happy and the sad. Sending a hug and a wish that you are having a happy Saturday. Love, Mildred

Charlotte said...

Thank you for sharing this with us on Spiritual Sundays.It gave me some things to think about that I had never thought about before. What if?

Anonymous said...

me once again! I have noticed that even though I am a follower, that your posts do not come up on my blogger reader - do you know why or how I can correct that??

Vintagesouthernlife said...

i enjoyed the walk... thanks for sharing.

LivingforGod said...

A beautiful walk and an insightful conversation! I'm so thankful that God provides us the Way "in" through Jesus Christ!

Larri said...

Thanks for making one of my favorite stories of the Bible even more endearing. :o) New visitor from BloggerSpirit and looking forward to reading your posts. Happy Sunday! :o) Larri at Seams Inspired

Donnie said...

Thanks for sharing your lovely walk and talk. Have a blessed day.

Virginia said...

I truly enjoyed the read & the walk, so true...
Much Joy & Blessings,

Rosie said...

So happy you like this wee little trifle. I so enjoy dropping over for an inspirational cuppa when time permits...thank you for your friendship my dear...and for the many smiles you encourage. Happy Day Dear Rosie

Kaye Swain - SandwichINK for the Sandwich Generation said...

Very interesting thoughts and oh what lovely autumn trees! And such a blessed way to "cherish the moments" together - so vital for all families! :)

A Tale of Two Cities said...

Walking in the midst of God's beauty, with the one you love, opening up new avenues of thought. Blessings all around....


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