Sunday, August 8, 2010

first love

dear emily,

hans and i fell in love when i "was sixteen, going on seventeen,"
but he was not my first love.

no, my first crush made me swerve off the road onto the sidewalk.

those powerful shoulders . . .

that confident stare . . .

the clear invitation to jump in and drive really fast and far!

but, this hunk was clearly out of my league - one of those "look,
but don't touch" guys!

sometimes, even now, when i drive by, i imagine i see a little 
steam under the hood.


"some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we remember the
name of the Lord, our God."  psalm 20:7


Silver Strands said...

Ha Lea! Love this post!!! Happy Sunday to you.
denaLEE(though my husband begged me to change it to Denali when we lived in Alaska) :)

Southern Lady said...

Too cute! I love the truck! Carla

Natasha in Oz said...

So it's true-red cars do drive faster!

That truck is a beauty Lea, no wonder you were swooning when you saw it.

Best wishes for a lovely week,

Cheri Bunch said...

Very sweet!
You made me smile!

highheeledlife said...

Thanks for the smile my friend.. great truck!!! HHL

Farm Girl said...

That is so funny, What a great truck though.

Andrea said...

Just wanted to let you know there is an update on amden on arise 2 write.
andrea said...

you do crack me up!! LOVE this red truck, it reminds my of my first car, a huge old Ford we called 'the heap'...:)

TeriGigi/Girl Meets Paris said...

I seriously love that truck.

Hey... it's never too late!

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Funny and I really, really like that truck. It may...may...even be older than I!

Vivek said...

Hi Lea,

How u doing?

Nice post.. really ..we do start with something else in life...1st love is always special..
your love for these
You know my 1st love was Computer, and further leads to my love though it didn't work out.. but will call it ..2nd .
and 1st love is still very much with ..we.. :)

take care KS :)

Joan Elizabeth said...

I reckon old trucks are nicer than old cars and matched with that scripture I got a real smile from your post today.

Vee said...

Fun, fun, fun. Hope that you may one day know the thrill of that ride.

JMW said...

That is a super-cool ride!

Tea with Tiffany said...

Check out that truck! My dad would LOVE it. :)

And thanks for your cute comment about peas on my blog. I actually don't like peas like the pic either. My mom used to get us canned peas and they were ugh...However I love sugar snap peas. So do my kids.

Anne Lyken-Garner said...

I've never driven a truck. I suppose it's not something we do in the UK. Besides, I wouldn't be able to get my 3 kids in it safely.
It looks good though. I won't mind taking it for a spin. :-)

Sandy said...

Very cool truck! I'd love to
drive it. This was a cute
story of your first crush.
Remember, sometimes the
biggest hunks are not all
they're cracked up to be!

Lisa said...

LOL! You silly thing!

myletterstoemily said...

lisa: take it back! :)

Gloria said...

How cute is that!!!!! :)

Faded Plains said...

What a beautiful old truck...I have such a thing for old trucks.

Janean said...

great photo and Scripture that just put a big ol' grin on my face.

now excuse me while i pray about having truck envy. LOL!

Dawn said...

Loved this! It reminds me of the truck on the car lot our school bus used to pass every day. My girlfriend and I were saving our lunch money to buy that thing some day....

carissa said...

sounds like a real heartbreaker! but in a good way! : )

Deborah Ann said...

Well that is quite the sweet chariot! I'm not much into cars or trucks, but this one is giving me road rage over the injustice that I never owned such a glorious cruiser!

rondalahonda said...

My Dad had this exact red truck but no sideboards. He kept it shined up like it was going to be on the showroom floor at the Texas State Fair the weekend of OU Texas. Then he traded it in for another version which is not too different which now sits in my driveway! Because it won't fit into the garage, too big! Red trucks are in my life forever I guess.