Wednesday, July 21, 2010

to do or not to do!

i just read a sweet encouragement from debbie at heart choices.
like many of the amazing blogs i read, this one sparked a thought.
some of you have explosions of incredible insight, but i am  just
thrilled with a tiny sputter.

there is a story about a young boy, robbed of speech and thrown
into the fire and water by a demon.  the disciples were unable to
deliver him from this terrible torment because of their unbelief.

Jesus displayed His sympathy and love by asking the father about
the history and condition of the boy.  the father said "if you can do
anything, take pity on us and help us."

"'if you can'?" said Jesus, "everything is possible for him who
believes."  immediately, the father exclaimed, "i do believe; help
me overcome my unbelief!"  matthew 9:14-29

jesus took the boy by the hand and lifted him to his feet, and he
stood up.

i need help with my faith, too.  but my constant cry is, "Lord, i am
willing.  help, me to overcome my unwillingness!"

to do what i should do . . .  but don't want to do.   to NOT do  what
i shouldn't want to do . . . but still want to do:  that is my question!
i will leave the "be-ing" of shakespeare to the more mature.

i am obviously still a baby,


Single and Sane said...

I'm right there with you, Lea. I go back to that verse all the time because I can so relate to it. I'm glad it's there because it reminds me that I'm not the only person to struggle with contradictory feelings despite my best intentions.


Beansieleigh said...

Hi Lea! Loved your post today! To keep it short, and without getting too personal, just know that it's helped to start my day right.. Thank you! ((hugs)) ~tina

Anonymous said...

well said my friend. i love the pic it says it all. a little trickle of a stream that will eventually turn into a mighty waterfall. A

Together We Save said...

Wonderful, blessed post!

Farm Girl said...

Thanks for that reminder Lea, It will be my prayer today, that the Lover of my Soul will, help my unbelief, and that I too am still a child in my faith.
It blesses me today, thanks!

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

God has been teaching me about Faith - realllllly teaching me about it - for the past year and a half. His lessons have been gentle, comforting and loving. It is when I am still in thought and not distracted that those hugs come through. We just have to lean on him. God is my gigantic redwood tree and his limbs are my faith.

becky said...

I think we are both on the same page today! :) said...

Well came here after Sonja...God is speaking to me strongly through both of your words today...thanks so much...and I enjoy Debbie also, she is just precious

Cinnamon said...

Don't you love that! Would not, should not, could not in a box with a fox :-) I think Dr. Seuss got some of his inspiration from the Bible :-)


BonjourRomance said...

Bonjour Lea,
Great word, everyday we need to try to exercise our faith. Each day is a new opportunity to lean on Him even more, as my dear Mom used to say, "a day at a time"!
a bientôt,

Southern Lady said...

Lea, that is one of my favorite stories from the Bible. I can so identify with the father of the child. I am constantly asking God to help me in this area. On one hand I know all things are possible with God, but on the other, I cry out for understanding. I am thankful that Jesus understands and loves people like me. Thanks for the wonderful post. Carla

Elizabeth Dianne said...

I never will forget the first time that verse POPPED out at me--life changing! Thanks for the reminder.

Julie Harward said...

Aren't we all compared to our Savior? Thanks for your visit :D

Debbie Petras said...

As long as we're on this side of eternity, I believe we will continue to struggle with this issue of the flesh. I can go along well and then moments later be back to struggling. I was so surprised to see my name. I'm glad that the Lord used me to encourage you. :)

Blessings and hugs,

Sandy said...

I was reading that passage one
day while praying for my autistic
son and felt the Lord spoke to
me through it concerning my son.
I will never forget that day.
We all struggle from time to time.
We're so fortunate that He remains

Vickie said...

Me, too, Lea - I'm still a baby, too. Good reminder for us all.

How 'bout I send you some peach jam and you can send me back some cobbler???? Yum!

Jennifer said...

Thank you. I needed this so much today. Simple and powerful to get my heart back on track.


Champagne Macarons said...

Bonjour Lea,
I feel this way at times also.
I began reading a wonderful book "Power of the Praying Woman". It was recommended by a couple of my girlfriends. I plan to read her other books.
Wishing you a beautiful rest of the week!
xoxo, B

Rosie said...

Oh Lea,
I am thankful of His constant grace as my faith is forever falling short of the mark...

You must be sooo excited...will there be a grand celebration?...can,t wait to see the "snappies" on Rosie.......

Staci Danford said...

Arent' we all at times.. Sometimes I get so proud of myself and how far I've come only to slip right back down that hill due to terrible choices.. But.. God knew that and gives us the strength to get back up and do it again. Each time we seem to some how try a little harder and get a little farther. Life is after all a journey.. not a race. Remember that the hare loses no matter how many times you read that story. haha Wonderful wishes your way..

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

Lea, your last sentence shows how wise you really are. We are all still babies. Those few who think they aren't are young or naive or both.

One of my morning prayers is that I may have the 'strength, means and willingness' to fulfill His purpose for me.

Joan Elizabeth said...

Our Church newsletter this week listed various attitudes of a mature Christian. I read the list and shook my head ... I'm a 50+ year old baby.

myletterstoemily said...

joan, well, the first step is our just
admitting it, i guess!

Deborah Ann said...

Even to ask for more faith is a miracle! I'm so thankful that God is willing to grow one tiny mustard seed in my garden of futility. He would probably plant more if I would get rid of some of the weeds. They don't leave much room for anything else...

Vivek said...

Hi Lea,

Very nice sincere post , loved it.

thanks for sharing .

ks :)