Thursday, March 11, 2010

the emily goes to...

one of my angels gave me the best advice that i just cannot
seem to follow: "mom, you need to hold back on those posts
to once a week.  no one really wants to read more than that."

as karen says, "i love her like the daughter i had committed
against her will."

this is not a post but a tiny thank you to the lovely people
who have encouraged my pitiful attempts at logging.  ha!

to visit their gorgeous, witty, and reflective blogs, just look
for their comments in one of my past postings.  they each
visit and comment daily, for which i am very grateful.

margaret:  your witty and perceptive writing has inspired
each post i make.  you have easily earned the right to be
called my 'nanablog.'

vee:  i have learned a great deal from your magnanimous
and gently encouraging nature.  when you linked to me in
january it gave me the boost i needed to find my way.

joan elizabeth: you are my scarecrow, a woman of few
words, each deliberately chosen to express wisdom,
strength, and grace.

emily:  thank you for being such a Godly inspiration to
my girls and for your four (five) precious little ones who
we adore!

but the winner is:   HANS, who runs a standard & poor
500 company but believes i am doing the most important
job in the world.

who asks questions like, "did you read max's email, isaac's
text, shelby's application, sunday's paper, and hailey's
facebook message?"

. . .  and who never says, "no" to me.  :)


"i have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering
you in my prayers."  ephesians 1:16


Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Hi Lea,
I just wanted to make sure you saw my comment the other day. You asked about my need to email me, because I don't have your email. My email is on my profile on my blog or under "contact" on my website at

Take care,

Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings... said...

This is simply the most marvelous place to find and be!...

Such a delightful encourment this blog must be for Emily and of course anyone else who happens along.

Have spent some time this evening scrolling through your earlier posts...charmed and very intertaining!!!

I've raised 4 wonderful children and now influence 10 Grands...there is no greater joy!

I've never met you but immediately my spirit came along side yours...
Nice to meet you Lea...I'll gladly "Follow"...

xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet U-North Mornings...
Stop over when time to have you visit!

Single and Sane said...

You beat me to the punch. I have a similar post that mentions your blog that's scheduled to go out tomorrow afternoon.

And your youngest is wrong. I do want to read your posts every day! Your writing style is so easy to read, and you make your point so well, that I'm always disappointed when there isn't a new one. (But don't get me wrong - you deserve a break from time to time!)

Love you and love your blog!

Jenners said...

I think you have a wonderful little blog here! Keep it up! : )

myletterstoemily said...


that is pretty funny!

1. that you had the same idea.

2. that you schedule posts!

schedule posts? i have a hard time
scheduling dental appointments.

and thank you...could you have a
word with my daughter?

Southern Lady said...

Thank you for visiting my blog and commenting. I came to visit you. I love your blog. Hope you don't mind if I follow. I am still raising my two girls and am often in need of some advice!
God Bless,

Winchester Manor said...

Dearest Lea,

I just adore your sweet soul and warm heart! You have such an insight and a beautiful way with words. I love your gratitude and I am grateful that our paths crossed.

Blog land is an incredible place and I can't imagine my life without the imense inspiration that I have gained from so many amazing women.

This is a place where you call people that you have never met "Friend" and that my friend is pretty darn amazing!

Thank you for your wonderfully sweet comment!


Lynn said...

What a sweet post, and a terrific idea for a blog. And how wonderful that your man thinks you're doing the most important job in the world. I happen to be married to a man who thinks that, also. What a gift.

I Love Pretty Little Things said...

Thanks for visiting over at my blog! I get SO hopeful about Spring, put all of the winter clothes away, and it snows...
I will forever be a hopeful Spring girls though. I can't help it. said...


I'm so glad you came back to visit, and that I'm now following your page. I am chuckling out loud at your opener on this posting! I think I have a few 'angels' in my family who have thought the same! One of our grandkids told her mom... 'I don't even have a facebook name and mimi already has her own blog!' More than once I've heard one of them say..."she's going to put that on her blog"...

Looking forward to getting to know you through the very blog they are talking about!



Colleen said...

So sweet! He definitely deserves the Emily!

And, by the way, perhaps you would be an excellent Logger as well!

Just kidding - Your blogging is always beautiful and thoughtful.

RA said...

What a beautiful tribute! One of the loveliest things I learned about blogging is the wonderful friendships and encouragements we can give to one another. Priceless. Have a wonderful weekend :)

Julie@beingRUBY said...

Dear Lea
Well I'm sorry I don't get over to you blog every day.. time just doesn't permit.. but when I do arrive here I am always impressed by your point of view... but even more than that.. you don't really push your view but offer an analogy or thought for consideration.. you are a woman of influence!!

Thank you too for your kind comments over my way...I don't know what the word for it is either.. hehehe xxx Julie

Rebecca Nelson said...

Thank you for visiting girly! I always stop by and read your heartfelt words...even when I don't comment I'm here.

I've entered you into my drawing. :) Whoot Whoot!

Love, Rebecca

Sweet Style said...

Hi Lea - thank you for visiting my little blog and your lovely comments - I look forward to getting to know you and reading your wonderful blog. Leanne (Mrs A in the Cove)

Gretel said...

Hello! Thanks so much for visiting my blog - the building you admired is actually a village church, which is Norman in origin. I've just published a blogpost about it, on my other blog, hope you don't mind me leaving the link here (sorry, I can't find an email address to send it to you)

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...


Only children and people who don't blog would tell you to limit your postings!

You're also bound to hear things like, "You do WHAT?" "People read THAT?" "What do you get out of it?" "That just doesn't make any sense." "What you need is a new hobby."

Follow you gut. Keep posting. I'm following you now.

Stella said...

You need to get that child blogging so she knows what she is missing. Where else do you find kindred souls, encouragement, words of wisdom, complete acceptance, and prayers when you need them. Have a good weekend blogging.

Joan Elizabeth said...

Lea, thanks so much for enjoying my blog as I do yours -- post as often as you like, we'll all keep reading because it sparkles with genuine warmth, common sense and plain good writing (despite the missing capitals).

Single and Sane said...

Lea -

If it's any consolation, my mom has the same kind of youngest daughter. Oh, wait, that would be me. :-(

I just started scheduling posts and don't always use it, but I do have several ready to go over the next couple of weeks. We'll see if I keep to that...


Faded Plains said...

Your blog is beautifully written...thank you for the inspiration.

Vee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Vee said...

Trying again...

Your youngest angel may speak for himself or herself, but s/he does not speak for me. You might ask your youngest angel if your youngest angel would like communication just once a week. (See? Connection requres communication.)

I love to find a post here in the same way that you like to find a post at my blog. Sometimes life gets crazy. (I'll email if I find a moment.) And sometimes my muse just runs off with Aunt Amelia's. :D

Julie Harward said...

Yes, I love the failing eye sight thing with the hubs! LOL :D

FrenchGardenHouse said...

well, I have to say more than once a week actually IS what blog readers look for! Especially with the kind of witty, reflective and inspiring writing you do. You weave your thoughts together in such a beautiful way. I love visiting here. xo lidy

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

I truly enjoy catching up on your posts :o)

Thank you so much for stopping by mine. I am blessed to get at least one post up a week! (cuz it takes me so ridiculously long to get one post together! I really need to learn to not try to put so much on a post...but as you can see (even by my comments) that being brief is a hard accomplishment for me (as well as the fact that I am not as computer savvy and some :o)

Blessings & Aloha!
(Maui must have been wonderful, especially since it was for your honeymoon.)

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

No, no, no! Never take blogging advise from anyone but yourself! Especially in the number of times one posts. It's fully individual. And it should be, IMHO.

You sounded worried about our Dear Friend Vee. But I think her Posting Muse has just deserted her, for a bit. We thought our Posting Muses had run off together somewhere.

But I borrowed from a blog friend, for my post inspiration today. But Vee said her Posting Muse is still "gallllllavanting around" somewhere. :-)

But you are sweet to wonder about Vee. We do get to wondering, when our blog pals habits change, unexpectedly. I say "Pretty Blog Land" is a lot like the old fashioned "chatting over the back fence." If our neighbor didn't pop out of her door, all day long, we'd have wondered. Same with us and blogging. :-)

Gentle hugs...

Single and Sane said...

Here's my award post -

Auntie Cake said...

I feel the same way at my attempts at blogging! Sounds like you are surrounded by wonderful people! Enjoy them this weekend!

More Than Words said...

I love to read what you write!

I say blog to your hearts content. :)

Natasha in Oz said...

Blogging has to be about saying what YOU want to say when YOU want to say it! I think that you have a beautiful blog and even though I don't visit every day, when I do come by I always go back and read your previous posts....and I love all of them!

Have a beautiful weekend and best wishes always,

Millie said...

My favourite car sticker says 'Avenge yourself. Live long enough to be a problem to your children.' You do what you feel is necessary my dear. You are not measured by your blog posts!
Millie ^_^

merrybabies said...

Thank you. Very much. em

Kate said...

I'm so glad you post more than once a week :)
